
Nutrition Resources


The Atlanta Hawks are committed to using our platform and influence to encourage healthy eating and habits in youth. Our friends at HealthMPowers are doing amazing work in this space! Below are youth-focused resources to get kids to eat, drink and move in a healthy manner!

 HealthMPowers is a leader in designing and implementing evidence-based programs to encourage children, schools, communities and families all across Georgia to eat healthy and be physically active. Using an equity-centered approach, they believe that no child should go hungry, no child can thrive on food with little nutritional value and no child should face a day without an opportunity to move and be active.


Worksheets and Activities

Children’s bodies are made up of 75% water. Learn why water is essential for a child’s growth and development. Drink more water and be happier and healthier!

Nutritious snacks are tasty snacks. This activity sheet is a great way to get tips on how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your snacks.



Eat. Drink. Move. Video Clips!

An informative video series that provides a framework on the importance of incorporating  the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables into daily meals, details on why drinking water is critical to your child’s growth and development and getting plenty of movement throughout the day.





Learn how to grow a bean buddy at home using materials from around the house. Using dried beans or peas as seeds, children can watch their plant growing roots, leaves and a stem in only a couple of weeks.

Popcorn is one of America’s favorite snack foods. Learn about the nutritional benefits of America’s favorite snack food, while you make this delicious Lemon Parmesan version with all of the flavor and none of the bad fats.
